czwartek, stycznia 18, 2007

Lublin is getting EMPTY again.

Majka has left the city. It's going to be a little more quiet now. The amount of events in my life is proportional to amount of emigrants staying on vacation in lublin. Most of those events has something with drinking. I hope that she will continue to edit her blog from GB. I've heard that it's getting quite popular lately.

I can say that exam session has already started. I've got a lot of learning now, and my wonderful job doesn't help it. The good thing is i don't have to go there every day.

In the end:

3 komentarze:

Anonimowy pisze...

Tak jakos z rozpedu wpisze sie do Ciebie ;-P
Zaiste, Lublin opustoszal (i mam nadzieje, ze nasze glowy nieco odetchna od nadmiaru alkoholu).
Kiedy pijemy? :-)

hera888 pisze...

Maja and her dog has no computer or online at the moment hence the silence. but soon u can expect comments soon.

Majka pisze...

tak wlasnie jest szymciu jak moj dog powiada. nie ma internetu narazie, a pjuki mi sie zbieraja jak trzeba isc do kafejek. moze sie niedlugo jakos to rozwiaze. a poki co moglbys jakies maile tworzyc do mnie, cobym miala co czytac jak raz na 2 tygodnie zawitam do kafejki