Przy ostatniej wizycie Maja zapodała mi książkę z wywiadami z Damienem Hirst'em. Wywiady są spoko, a koleś ma dość ciekawie porysową banię. Jego sztuka to też fajna sprawa - dużo dobrych pomysłów, można sobie o niej poopowiadać, można ją zmieszać z błotem, można się pozachwycać, a NAWET zawiesić w pokoju (Obrazki z kółek kolorowych, czy farby na wirniku).
Miałem już jakiś czas temu o tym posta napisać, ale jakoś mi sie nie chciało. Obudziła mnie czacha. Hirst zrobił najdroższe dzieło sztuki współczesnej (50 milionów funtów) - czaszka pokryta diamentami. Pasuje do tego, to co mówił już pare lat temu w w jednym z wywiadów, które czytałem :
This is the first time (now) money's ever become important for artists? And maybe for ever after this it will be. Maybe we're just at that point. Where money's an element in the composition.
Takie rzeczy też tam mówi między innymi:
I sometimes feel I have nothing to say; I often want to communicate this.
I don't want to believe in God. But I duddenly realized that my belief in art is really fuckin similar to believing in God. And I'm having difficulties.
The best thing for me with Keith and the drugs was that, when they were waring off, me and Keith got together and went, "We're not going to bed". It's like: "I go to bed on my own and feel like shit, and you're going to go to bed on your own and feel like shit". So when it was wearing off and getting really ugly and horrible, and you feel like shit and you want to commit suicide and you hate yourself, we'd sit together and go, "This is the best bit!"And force ourselves through it and fight it out. It used to be great. And there's no one I know who takes drugs whe ever did that comfortably.
Maybe this is the first time (now) money's ever become important for artists? And maybe for ever after this it will be. Maybe we're just at that point. Where money's an element in the composition.