Korwin mikke on his blog on his blog has reacted to one of the comments my translation:
yezu wrote:"democracy is something you can shove up into your a** (ass)". The statement is correct, but framed in wrong way, because you have to remember, that we dot (***) disgustful words, so it should be written: "D****cracy i something you can shove up into your ass."
For pro-democracy readers pleasure i'll post here pics of few most famous democrats...

hitler stalin
korwin mikke
3 komentarze:
hehe, zajebiste.
cos ci sie pomajtalo, szymus. demokracja to nie to samo co totalitaryzm. nie bede sie wymadrzac w posciku - polecam za to encyklopedie. korwin poszedl na latwizne z taka argumentacja, ale widac do ludu trafia :)
byli choosen, ale nie byli demokratami. chodzilo ci pewnie o to , ze glupie spoleczenstwo zrezygnowalo z demokracji na wlasne zyczenie. a ty, jaki ustroj proponujesz, drogi szymku - monarchie oswiecona? , a moze oligarchie starszyzny duchowienstwa?
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